

An episodic examining reported news in an attempt to delineate the points at which fact becomes fiction, distortion, or deception. Each piece, or episode, will be inspired by a current news topic or event. A team of devisers will blend elements of writing and improvisation into compositional storytelling to explore how different media sources utilize similar basic facts to tell wildly opposing narratives.

This project was awarded a 2020 Theatre Bay Area CA$H Creates Grant.


A world premiere explores the prospect of parenthood frame-worked by intersections of race, queerness, and environmental disaster. This story asks: what happens when we can’t control the toxicity in our lives, our relationships, or our planet? Written by Kieran Beccia and Julius Rea

This project we previously a part of the 2020 National Queer Arts Festival, and the 2020 FURY Factory Festival of Ensemble and Devised Theater.

good friday

The ricochet of bullets breaks the hush of academia’s ivory halls and four students and a teacher are trapped in a classroom. Attempts to remain calm are shattered by each new wave of terror and tension coils to the point of asphyxia. good friday tackles millennnial feminism and the intersection of gun violence and sexual violence. Written by Kristiana Rae Colon